Furlough Day Two

Just to let you know, I had coffee this morning out of my President Obama coffee cup…the one I received free for donating to his campaign.  I support our President.  OK enough of that.

My sister-in-law came over yesterday and we finally shot a “how to bake my special cookies video” for my niece.  You see with my chocolate chip cookies…it is as much the process than the recipe.  That was something I have promised to do for nearly six months…so perfect timing.  I made a couple of batches for a big RR party we are going to today in Truckee.  We had fun and laughed a lot.

I get on Facebook on occasion…but usually do not linger…I usually don’t have the time.  Oh well, got on last night and saw some pretty nasty stuff.  I ended up unfriending a person for putting up vile political sentiments…really is all that necessary??  Really…why do these folks say they want America back…our country hasn’t gone anywhere.  We are still here.

No one on Facebook is going to change anyone’s minds with these inane postings.  They just enrage.  As it did me and now I don’t have to see that BS anymore.  I also unfriended a guy for posing with a dead bear’s body he had just shot…to me that was just as offensive.  Maybe I will just end up with my tree-hugging, yoga-posing,  liberal -minded, Namaste-saying friends and family and leave it at that.

I look at the news too much…I check every hour or so to see if I am back to work.  I really want to go back to work.  I miss doing my job helping communities and citizens in my four state territory.  And I know that some miss me helping.  Like the guy on the phone said to me on Monday,  “I am way more informed now, than I was five minutes ago.”  That’s why the public has people like me…we can take government information and make it public and user friendly.

I take exception to a remark (joke?) by David Letterman: “Almost a million nonessential government employees were let go. Well, isn’t that the problem…”  No this is not the problem.  Our jobs are deemed nonessential since we do not inspect or supervise inspectors.  My job is essential and the folks in DC that support my colleagues in the field are essential.

I will leave much smarter and better informed people to state my views…Thank You Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. They are much more eloquent and have a much larger audience than I.

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